The Marriage of Figaro

This production is a radical authorial interpretation of the classical opera piece - the Marriage of Figaro. Yet, Mozart’s music remains the same. The Count and the Countess are experiencing a serious marital crisis. Figaro and his beloved Zuzana fall into an exhausting game of love intrigues and each of the characters goes through a character rebirth. Each of the characters carries their frustration, their own inferiority complex, which gradually deepen in their detached and enclosed estate. As a result, the comedic style of the opera gradually culminates into a thriller...

The new adaptation stems from the internal logic of the opera: it leads the spectator to see the radical consequences of each character’s behaviour. Moreover, it combines the suggestive classical music with the disturbing competition of manipulators, their schemes and the hollow or multilayered nature of the characters. Through this interpretation, you will perceive the classic comedy as if it were happening to you. Does it really seem funny that someone might be cheating on you with a maid, that you have a lower status as a woman, or that you are being used because of your money? Not at all. That’s why we have prepared a psychothriller of morals, not a lewd comedy.

This new operatic rendition is based on the fundamental difference between the dramaturgy of Beaumarchais and Da Ponte’s libretto. Beaumarchais intended his comedy to be a provocative satiric play within the political context of the time, and thereby he was disregarding the actual complex relationships between the characters. Whereas Da Ponte aimed to depict the pain each character is experiencing, the pain that stems from the way the characters are treating one another. RUN OPERUN makes the comedy into a thriller by transforming the “love-games” into reality.


Photos by: Leona Kalvodová


Jan Hnyk/Daniel Kfelíř

Soňa Godarská
/Kristýna Kůstková

Count :
Vladimír Chmelo
/Daniel Klánský

Eliška Gattringerová
/Tereza Mátlová

Kateřina Oplová
/Dana Šťastná

Jana Prouzová

Jan Janda

Ahmad Hedar

Annemari Krčková
/Johana Kopačková
/Nela Skarková

Don Curzio:
Ahmad Hedar


Veronika Loulová

Lukáš Klánský

Costume design:
Filip Jakab
Judita Mejstříková

Marek Špitálský

Adam Eduard Orszulik

Pavel Klusák

Musical Rehearsals:
Ahmed Hedar
Marco Borroni

Light Design:
Vojtěch Kopta

Zuzana Černá
Lucie Gabrovská
Klára Melicharová
Anastázie Slavíčková

Vilma Klepková

Justina Urbanová

Andrej Beneš

Translation from Italian:
Marie Kronbergerová

Special acknowledgement:
Ivana Gattringerová
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